South Carolina's Practical Guide To Effective Spider Control


If there's one pest that many people are afraid of, it’s spiders. Many people have severe fears surrounding these eight-legged creatures. Even those who aren’t scared of them often find them unpleasant.

One good thing to know about spiders is that most of them are harmless to both humans and pets. While all spiders have venom and fangs, the vast majority of spiders in the United States can only harm their prey and won’t cause any harm to you or your pets.

There are only two spiders in the United States that pose a significant health risk: the brown recluse and the black widow, but most spiders you see aren’t dangerous.

Here are some of the most common spiders in South Carolina and how to identify them.

  • Brown Recluse: This is a dangerous species that is usually tan and is best known for having a marking behind its head that looks like a violin. As its name suggests, this spider tends to hide out in warm, dry, and dark spots.
  • Cellar Spiders: These spiders have tiny bodies and long, thin legs. They are usually pale yellow to light brown and tend to live in places like basements and cellars.
  • Black Widow: This is another dangerous species that is best identified by its shiny, black color and red, hourglass marking on its underbelly. The venom from these spiders is 15 times as powerful as rattlesnake venom. Be on the lookout for messy and irregular webs at ground level.
  • Wolf Spiders: This species is usually brown or grey, and they have darker colored bands and markings. They usually have two stripes on their back, and they are rather quick-moving. While their size and hairy appearance can be alarming, these spiders are nuisance pests. 
  • Common House Spiders: As the name suggests, they are the most common spiders you’ll find in your home. They are usually yellow-brown but can have other colorations. They have a dark chevron pattern on their bodies. Infestations can grow out of hand quickly with each female able to lay between three and four thousand eggs in her lifetime.

Why Do Spiders Come Indoors?

While many other pests tend to come indoors to seek shelter from extreme weather or to build nests, spiders usually come into a building to hunt their prey.

This means that spiders in and around your property often indicate other pest problems. If you have a lot of spiders, you likely have a lot of underlying pest issues, too, as spiders will come into an area that provides them with ample food sources. So, one of the best ways to prevent and control spiders is to address other pest infestations.

Some Spider Prevention Tips

Because spiders can be such an unpleasant pest to deal with, even the ones that aren’t dangerous, you’re likely looking for ways to prevent them from coming into your home. No prevention method can guarantee you’ll never have a spider in your home, but they can help by making your home less appealing to spiders.

Here are some tips:

  • Declutter and clean often.
  • Trim shrubs and bushes around your property.
  • Fix holes in window and door screens.
  • Remove any webs both indoors and outdoors.
  • Address other pest issues that could be drawing spiders to your home.
  • Contact pest control professionals.

The Best Way To Prevent Spiders

While most spiders aren’t dangerous, keeping them out of your home is important. The most effective way to eliminate spider infestations, and infestations of other pests that spiders hunt, is to contact the pest control experts at The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc. With over 35 years of experience, our technicians can be trusted to get the job done to keep spiders and others pests away. Give us a call to find out more.

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