Termite Season In South Carolina; What You Need To Know


There are certain times of year that you can’t help but look forward to. You spend time with friends and family and finally get some well-deserved recreation and relaxation. There’s football season, the holiday season, and beach season, for starters. And then there’s termite season.

Every year, homeowners in South Carolina deal with swarms of termites threatening to infest their property. These pests can cause extensive damage but can be controlled with proper knowledge.

If you’ve been wondering about termite season in South Carolina, here’s what you need to know.

What Is Termite Season?

Termites are social insects that live in large colonies of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of individuals like ants or bees. However once a colony reaches a certain size, some termites are bred with the purpose of establishing new colonies elsewhere. Reproductive termites with a single pair of wings fly off to mate once the conditions are right. As they search for breeding partners, these winged termites form large swarms, which is why they are known as “swarmers.”

Termite swarmers are not especially good flyers and will quickly lose their wings after leaving the colony. Of the dozens or hundreds of termites in a single swarm, only a few will successfully survive and mate.

Termite swarmers will appear once warm weather has set in, usually placing termite season as early as March or as late as November depending on the species and area. But termites are active year-round, especially in warmer climates.

Are Termites Swarms Dangerous?

A termite swarm on your property is often the first sign of a termite problem. The presence of swarmers usually means that there is a large, established termite colony nearby. So, if you notice swarming termites in your yard or your home, your property could already be infested with an existing colony.

The behavior of termite swarmers can give some indication of what type of termite you’re dealing with. Drywood termites often swarm at night and are attracted to light. Drywood swarmers can often be found around outdoor lighting fixtures and on windowsills. However, termites can also swarm indoors. If you find termites swarming inside your property, it’s likely an indication that there is a substantial population of subterranean termites already in the building. Subterranean termites tend to swarm during daytime hours.

How To Deal With Termite Swarms

So, the question is, what do you do if you notice swarming termites on your property?

  • Contain the problem – Termite swarmers launch from a single place. Try to locate the source and cover the opening with a heavy jar or container to prevent it from spreading. If indoors, close off the room termites are swarming in.
  • Establish a barrier – Create a barrier of gravel or pebbles around the perimeter of your property to make it less appealing to hungry termites. Direct contact of wood to moist soil can entice termites to feed.
  • Turn off the lights – Drywood termites tend to swarm at night and are attracted to bright lights. Try to keep outdoor lights off as much as possible to keep them away from your property.
  • Reduce moisture – Make sure there are no areas of excess moisture around the perimeter of your property. Check that all gutters and drains are flowing properly and that water isn’t accumulating around the foundation.

Termite season is no fun. But with a little help, you can relax knowing that your property is termite-free. At The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc, we provide complete termite control services to eliminate destructive termites on your property using powerful Termidor® treatment. We’ll eliminate your termites at the source and prevent these pests from causing damage to your home or business. For the best termite control in South Carolina, get in touch with us today.

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