The Big Scary Wolf Spider Isn't All That Bad


Wolf spiders are intimidating in appearance. They are dark brown with two darker stripes down their backs and can be as large as 35mm in length. Wolf spiders are solitary and nomadic, which means they prefer to live alone and will wander almost anywhere in search of food. Instead of spinning webs like other spiders, wolf spiders build burrows and use their quick movements to chase down prey. Without a web, however, they must carry their egg sac on their backs. A female wolf spider will carry an egg sac with her until the eggs hatch. Once the eggs hatch, the baby spiders will climb onto her back and remain there until they have fully developed. Most spiders do not exhibit this kind of parental care.                              

Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous?

Wolf spiders can be aggressive, especially when female spiders are carrying their egg sac or babies. Most of this aggression is directed at predators. When it comes to humans, wolf spiders would rather hide than bite. Wolf spider bites are painful and venomous, but this venom is not potent enough to do any lasting harm to a healthy adult. Wolf spider bites are usually no worse than a bite from an insect, though reactions may differ in some individuals. If you are allergic to wolf spider venom, some of the symptoms you may experience include:

  • Large, swollen welts, or hives
  • Swelling around the face and mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Breathing difficulties

It’s important to note that cases of allergic reactions due to wolf spider bites are rare. Most individuals only experience mild discomfort and a small itchy bump around the bite area. 

How to Keep Wolf Spiders Away From Your Property

When it comes to keeping wolf spiders off your South Carolina property, it’s important to understand why they might decide to live there in the first place. A spider’s main food source is insects, so keeping your insect population down is essential to avoiding wolf spiders. Listed below are a few prevention methods you can use to avoid attracting insects and spiders to your South Carolina home. 

  • Trim thick brush, tall grass, and shrubs away from your exterior walls. Many insects and spiders like to hide in areas of high vegetation. 
  • Reduce sources of standing water and excess moisture. Repair leaks, tighten pipes, dump out items that may collect water, and fill in low-lying areas of your lawn. 
  • Seal crevices, cracks, and gaps along your foundation and exterior walls. 
  • Cover your garbage bins to avoid attracting flies and other garbage-eating insects.

Prevention tips are a great way to cut down the spider and insect populations around your South Carolina property, but they will never be as effective as the pest control services we provide here at The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc. Our spider control and prevention options are long-lasting and efficient. No matter what pest infestation you’re facing, you can trust the professionals here at The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc. to get the job done right!

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